Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Repeal of Don't ask, Don't tell

Today, the Party of the past has proved again that it is living in the past regardless of what the American people and the pentagon believe, which is that we should repeal Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Day after day we keep falling behind in the world, as we try to hold on to things that have become irrelevant. If we look around at what other countries do regarding gay and lesbians in the military we can see that they have embraced them. We think that we should keep them in the closet as if they were not homosexuals.
Not only is that a regressive policy, it is bad for morale, discriminatory and should be repealed.
It is time to think and live in the 21st century and not in the 1950s, which is what it seems the Republican Party and its faction, the Tea Party Movement, want us to go back to.
God help us if they take any of the two chambers of Congress in the next election.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On September 7th, 2010 Kyler Van Nocker succumbed to Neuroblastoma, a cancer that is found in children, and went to meet his creator. Although I did not meet personally this brave child who fought for his life for over three years and feel like I have. He is another victim to an insurance company and their “bureaucrats” deciding who lives and who doesn’t. I love when people during health care reform said that there would be government death panels deciding who lives and who doesn’t. I guess they are fine with a private bureaucrat but not one who works for the government.
I have criticized health management insurance companies and their defenders in the past, and will continue to do so until we have other options. The same people who say that they are fine with an hmo over charging and under covering us, seem to be the same people who are in favor of BP polluting the Gulf of Mexico. I wonder where they are now that another platform in the Gulf exploded a few days. I assume that we must trust Exxon, owner of the recent casualty, that there has be no spill in this case, just like we should have trusted BP when they said that there were only a few barrels leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.
Going back to the subject of this blog unfortunately Kyler will not be the first or the last victim to be in the hands of a clerk who is rewarded based on the amount of rejections that they make, so that shareholders can make money, even if it is will blood money.
At least Judas had the decency and the courage of realizing what he done and took his life for betraying his savior.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Withdrawing from Iraq

Today, President Obama fulfilled his promise that the war in Iraq would come to a conclusion, as so combat troops pulled out.
I am glad that he was able to keep his commitment, regardless of criticism from part of the population of this country.
The part of the population that was opposed to the conclusion of the war is the same sector that believes in a military power that is unsustainable with expenditures of more than 750 billions dollars a year, more than all industrialized nations combined, even though we are boroughing the money from the Chinese and the Japanese, the same people who believe that the top two percent of the population should get all the tax cuts at the expense of the national debt, because it is also given on boroughed money, so that the rest of us pays for those cuts, and the same people that want to do away now with social security and medicare, even though social security is capped at less than 100 thousand dollars.
It is also wonderful to see the same people demanding that the president give credit to former president Bush for the surge, although there is no proof that in itself it may any difference. These are the people, as I said earlier, who always have the same two prescriptions to every single problem in life, tax cuts for the wealthy and a big Department of Defense.
What they have to understand is that we would have never been there and lost all those lives, BOTH AMERICANS AND IRAQIS, if President Bush and Vice-President Cheney would have not lied to the world about weapons of mass destruction, and the “supposed” danger that Saddam Hussein was to the U.S.
Unfortunately it is not a total withdrawal of troops from Iraq as almost 50 thousand will stay there, so it doesn’t do the whole trick, but at least it is a beginning.
Now the next steps will be the eventual total withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan as well.