Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The hypocrisy of republicans

The hypocrisy of Republicans keeps surprising even those who, like myself, is almost no longer surprised.
Their new issue on the list for hypocrisy is the bill that pays for the health care for 9/11 volunteers.
9/11 was the biggest attack in American history, it happened under George W. Bush, a republican. They used it as a mantra, instead of being ashamed that they had were caught distracted, they wore it on their sleeves. Mayor Giuliani, in the words of the Vice president candidate Joe Biden, said “a noun, a verb, and 9/11.
But alas, all of the sudden all those volunteers who tried to either rescue victims or did the cleanup are not important, and unless the bill is paid for itself then they will filibuster it.
Taxes for the top percent of incomes do not need to pay for themselves, neither do the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This reminds me of what they do with their favorite expense in the budget, and the number one reason why we are in the hole that we are, the Department of Defense. And the point of it is that they do exactly the same with the injured in the wars that they not only encourage but shove down the rest of the country’s throat, once they come back screw them. Now it’s their own fault for volunteering, and getting injured. While they are in combat or being trained they are the pride of the country, but they become a drag on society if they come back alive and injured. They are better off dead, or it seems that way. Then they are buried with full honors in Arlington.
And the same thing will happen with the volunteers on 9/11. Now they are a “pain in the ass”, and let them fall through the way side.
What really amazes me the most in the silence on other networks about this issue.
The volunteers are not just New Yorkers, they are Americans.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama and tax cuts

Today President Obama has probably sealed his fate for 2012 by alienating his supporters in his own party, and leaving himself vulnerable to the wing of the party who want to have a primary instead of just making him the candidate for the Democratic Party. No incumbent who’s had a primary has been re-elected.
The President today caved in to republicans before they even took power.
If this is what we can expect for the next two years the republicans with only majority in only one chamber he will be an irrelevant president. Republicans will underfund, modify or even rollback the health care in which he invested almost half of his presidency, with tremendous use of political capital.
The next two years will demonstrate if this president will hold his own or capitulate in every piece of legislation that the opposition throws at him, and by then he will prove to the country if he should be re-elected.