Today is a sad day in the United States of America when an African American man had to show his papers just like in the times of slavery when white people considered a black man a second class citizen.
Donald Trump has proven to the whole country that he nothing short of a buffoon, questioning the fact that President Obama was born in Hawaii. He is also focusing on the fact that nobody can remember going to school and to college with this president. He is questioning Obama’s grades and how he got into Columbia and Harvard.
What makes this matter sad is that no other republican candidate or member of the Republican Party is denouncing Trump for this. When you have almost 50% of republicans who believe that Obama was not born in the U.S. and that he is a Muslim.
The main reason the Republican Party has behaved shamefully is because the president is an African American. Nobody would have ever questioned him if he would have been white.
It is hard to believe that the white majority in this country have not moved on since the Civil rights act of the 60s.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
House Republicans getting a little bit of their own medicine
House Republicans voted last week to dismantle Medicare and Medicaid as we know it and provide vouchers to seniors so that people who have a hard time figuring out how to setup a VCR, how to turn on a computer and how to use a cell phone can negotiate their own policy with the insurance companies.
We have to imagine that these members of the House were expecting to be treated as, in the words of Vice-President Cheney, “liberators”. But that was not the case. People are not only extremely angry at this House members, but they are telling them that they don’t want their health coverage to be taken away so that the wealthy get more tax cuts.
If I didn’t say that I am extremely pleased with people’s reactions I would not be honest. I am very happy. All the networks are talking about this, all of them with the exception of one, Fox News. This does not come as a surprise as they endorse the destruction of all the programs that help the needy.
What the majority of people across the country are saying is the same that polls are showing, do not take away Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the wealthy, raise taxes on corporations, take away subsidies for the oil companies.
Republicans are not in the business of listening to the middle class and the poor. They are there to defend the interests of the wealthy, the insurance companies, the banking industry and corporations that do not want to pay their fair share in taxes.
What the public needs to understand is that unless they show up to vote this will not change. The people who want to take their social security and Medicare and who whipped out their 401ks will make sure that no programs that benefit most of Americans will be left untouched.
We have to imagine that these members of the House were expecting to be treated as, in the words of Vice-President Cheney, “liberators”. But that was not the case. People are not only extremely angry at this House members, but they are telling them that they don’t want their health coverage to be taken away so that the wealthy get more tax cuts.
If I didn’t say that I am extremely pleased with people’s reactions I would not be honest. I am very happy. All the networks are talking about this, all of them with the exception of one, Fox News. This does not come as a surprise as they endorse the destruction of all the programs that help the needy.
What the majority of people across the country are saying is the same that polls are showing, do not take away Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the wealthy, raise taxes on corporations, take away subsidies for the oil companies.
Republicans are not in the business of listening to the middle class and the poor. They are there to defend the interests of the wealthy, the insurance companies, the banking industry and corporations that do not want to pay their fair share in taxes.
What the public needs to understand is that unless they show up to vote this will not change. The people who want to take their social security and Medicare and who whipped out their 401ks will make sure that no programs that benefit most of Americans will be left untouched.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Argentina y la eleccion del 2011
A pesar de haber emigrado de la Argentina hace casi 26 años sigo con interés y de manera casi diaria los acontecimientos que viven los argentinos. Mi incentivo son mis familiares y muchos amigos aún viviendo ahí, y porque he podido volver a visitar casi todos estos años de vivir en el exterior.
Durante este largo período he notado una gran cantidad de cambios, algunos más preocupantes que otros.
Primero está el tema de la inseguridad, que he notado en parte en carne propia la última vez que estuve ahí. El incidente me tomó por sorpresa, tal vez porque donde vivo no se da. Se ve de todo en EEUU incluyendo crimininalidad, pero el incidente fue algo inesperado. La falta de seguridad comenzo con el gobierno de Menem, pero se ha acelerado en estos ultimos años.
Segundo está el tema de los cortes de las calles, avenidas, rutas, etc. Yo soy un ferviente defensor de las libertades individuales, incluyendo el derecho de manifestar. Pero cuando las libertades de un grupo de gente invaden las libertades de otros, eso deja de ser libertad de expresion.
Tercero, la represion o el intent de callar las voces de la oposición al gobierno central de la República. Hago esta distincion porque tambien existen los gobiernos de la capital y de las provincias. Esta represion se da por distintos medios, desde no permitir la circulacion de diarios como tambien de traer juicios contra miembros de la oposicion.
Hay otras cosas que leo que tambien son de preocupacion como los sindicatos, que en mi opinion estan fuera de control, como exigir representacion en empresas. Si Argentina fuese Alemania lo aceptaria, dado que miembros de sindicatos tienen representacion en Mercedez Benz, como tambien en otras empresas. Pero los sindicatos de Argentina no son los sindicatos de Alemania.
Inflacion que se esta acelerando, a pesar de no reconocer esto, provocando un deterioro del poder adquisitivo, y creando mayores problemas sociales producto de la pobreza, como tambien relegando a los jubilados a decaer en su calidad de vida. La prueba de que se sabe el verdadero deterioro del salario son los constants reclamos de incrementos de los sindicatos.
En todas estas cosas hay siempre un factor común que no he nombrado, pero que para mi es evidente. La familia Kirchner. El desaparecido ex-presidente tenia sus tentaculos en todo. Durante su presidencia y durante la presidencia de su mujer.
La familia Kirchner y todos sus emisarios, desde Moyano, Fernandez, hasta miembros del congreso y el senado manejan todo, y se reprime o calla a la oposicion.
Y no he incluido en todo esto el enriquecimiento ilicito de la familia Kirchner y todos sus secuaces. Esto parece mas Ali Baba y los 40 ladrones.
La eleccion presidencial por venir es una de las mas importantes en la era post-militar 1976-1983. A pesar de no estar mas Nestor Kirchner para seguir con la dinastia, todo indicaria que la actual presidenta sera re-elegida, no por sus cualidades sino porque no existe una oposicion organizada. La falta de una oposicion es gran gran parte del problema. Da la impresion que todos quieren una parte de la torta. Carrio no tiene ninguna posibilidad por su cuenta, Alfonsin esta en la misma, Macri no puede ganar con la Capital Federal solamente, Duhalde, no se decide. En la ultima eleccion presidencial la actual presidenta no llego a la mayoria, pero tuvo la mayor minoria. En esta proxima eleccion da la impresion de que va a suceder lo mismo. Es hora de que la oposicion se unifique para destronar, y por fin terminar con todos estos abusos de poder que han vivido durante esta ultima decada.
Durante este largo período he notado una gran cantidad de cambios, algunos más preocupantes que otros.
Primero está el tema de la inseguridad, que he notado en parte en carne propia la última vez que estuve ahí. El incidente me tomó por sorpresa, tal vez porque donde vivo no se da. Se ve de todo en EEUU incluyendo crimininalidad, pero el incidente fue algo inesperado. La falta de seguridad comenzo con el gobierno de Menem, pero se ha acelerado en estos ultimos años.
Segundo está el tema de los cortes de las calles, avenidas, rutas, etc. Yo soy un ferviente defensor de las libertades individuales, incluyendo el derecho de manifestar. Pero cuando las libertades de un grupo de gente invaden las libertades de otros, eso deja de ser libertad de expresion.
Tercero, la represion o el intent de callar las voces de la oposición al gobierno central de la República. Hago esta distincion porque tambien existen los gobiernos de la capital y de las provincias. Esta represion se da por distintos medios, desde no permitir la circulacion de diarios como tambien de traer juicios contra miembros de la oposicion.
Hay otras cosas que leo que tambien son de preocupacion como los sindicatos, que en mi opinion estan fuera de control, como exigir representacion en empresas. Si Argentina fuese Alemania lo aceptaria, dado que miembros de sindicatos tienen representacion en Mercedez Benz, como tambien en otras empresas. Pero los sindicatos de Argentina no son los sindicatos de Alemania.
Inflacion que se esta acelerando, a pesar de no reconocer esto, provocando un deterioro del poder adquisitivo, y creando mayores problemas sociales producto de la pobreza, como tambien relegando a los jubilados a decaer en su calidad de vida. La prueba de que se sabe el verdadero deterioro del salario son los constants reclamos de incrementos de los sindicatos.
En todas estas cosas hay siempre un factor común que no he nombrado, pero que para mi es evidente. La familia Kirchner. El desaparecido ex-presidente tenia sus tentaculos en todo. Durante su presidencia y durante la presidencia de su mujer.
La familia Kirchner y todos sus emisarios, desde Moyano, Fernandez, hasta miembros del congreso y el senado manejan todo, y se reprime o calla a la oposicion.
Y no he incluido en todo esto el enriquecimiento ilicito de la familia Kirchner y todos sus secuaces. Esto parece mas Ali Baba y los 40 ladrones.
La eleccion presidencial por venir es una de las mas importantes en la era post-militar 1976-1983. A pesar de no estar mas Nestor Kirchner para seguir con la dinastia, todo indicaria que la actual presidenta sera re-elegida, no por sus cualidades sino porque no existe una oposicion organizada. La falta de una oposicion es gran gran parte del problema. Da la impresion que todos quieren una parte de la torta. Carrio no tiene ninguna posibilidad por su cuenta, Alfonsin esta en la misma, Macri no puede ganar con la Capital Federal solamente, Duhalde, no se decide. En la ultima eleccion presidencial la actual presidenta no llego a la mayoria, pero tuvo la mayor minoria. En esta proxima eleccion da la impresion de que va a suceder lo mismo. Es hora de que la oposicion se unifique para destronar, y por fin terminar con todos estos abusos de poder que han vivido durante esta ultima decada.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The elimination of Medicare and Medicaid
Representative Paul Ryan, House Budget Committee Chairman, proposed yesterday what will become the dismantling of Medicare and Medicaid as we know it.
His plan proposes to eliminate the program and its place offer vouchers to senior citizens. He said that Medicare will be available to people 55 and older, but that, and I quote “the government should stay out of healthcare”.
What he is proposing is a fixed amount so that seniors can go out and purchase health coverage. What he is keeping in mind is that healthcare has had increases far above the inflation. That means that eventually, down the road, senior will have to choose between food and healthcare.
These are the same people who were saying that the healthcare reform that President Obama was proposing would kill granny.
Rep. Ryan as says that the problem is that the federal government spends too much, and not that it taxes the wealthiest and corporation not enough.
He is proposing together with the elimination of Medicare and Medicaid, programs that help the middle class and poor, the reduction of taxes for the wealthiest and corporations to a 25%, instead of the 35% that “they are paying today”. The reason I used quotation marks is because they do not really pay that percentage. They find loopholes to avoid their fair share of taxes.
Rep. Ryan is not interested in eliminating the welfare state for corporations that we have right now. He does believe of eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Companies that have made over 1 trillion in profit in the last ten years.
He does not believe in the reduction of the biggest waste in the federal budget, the Department of Defense. The 2011 budget for defense is 750 billion dollars. There is plenty of waste there.
The U.S. has not been able to get out of the war economy that brought the country from the depression during WW II.
After President Clinton reduced the size of the Pentagon, came the Bush-Chenney administration and almost doubled the budget that President Clinton had. We will have spent 3 trillion dollars by the time we are finished with Iraq, a war not only based on lies, but also unnecessary and that has not been paid.
After republicans will try to impose the demolition of the healthcare system in this country they will also try to sell us the idea of the elimination of Social Security.
And all this is under the premise that the country cannot afford these programs.
The beginning of the government having problems with its finances started with the Reagan administration when taxes on the wealthiest and corporations were reduced in half.
Republicans are now threatening a shutdown of government. This may be the only way that people who voted for these members of congress wake up and realize the mistake they made.
His plan proposes to eliminate the program and its place offer vouchers to senior citizens. He said that Medicare will be available to people 55 and older, but that, and I quote “the government should stay out of healthcare”.
What he is proposing is a fixed amount so that seniors can go out and purchase health coverage. What he is keeping in mind is that healthcare has had increases far above the inflation. That means that eventually, down the road, senior will have to choose between food and healthcare.
These are the same people who were saying that the healthcare reform that President Obama was proposing would kill granny.
Rep. Ryan as says that the problem is that the federal government spends too much, and not that it taxes the wealthiest and corporation not enough.
He is proposing together with the elimination of Medicare and Medicaid, programs that help the middle class and poor, the reduction of taxes for the wealthiest and corporations to a 25%, instead of the 35% that “they are paying today”. The reason I used quotation marks is because they do not really pay that percentage. They find loopholes to avoid their fair share of taxes.
Rep. Ryan is not interested in eliminating the welfare state for corporations that we have right now. He does believe of eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Companies that have made over 1 trillion in profit in the last ten years.
He does not believe in the reduction of the biggest waste in the federal budget, the Department of Defense. The 2011 budget for defense is 750 billion dollars. There is plenty of waste there.
The U.S. has not been able to get out of the war economy that brought the country from the depression during WW II.
After President Clinton reduced the size of the Pentagon, came the Bush-Chenney administration and almost doubled the budget that President Clinton had. We will have spent 3 trillion dollars by the time we are finished with Iraq, a war not only based on lies, but also unnecessary and that has not been paid.
After republicans will try to impose the demolition of the healthcare system in this country they will also try to sell us the idea of the elimination of Social Security.
And all this is under the premise that the country cannot afford these programs.
The beginning of the government having problems with its finances started with the Reagan administration when taxes on the wealthiest and corporations were reduced in half.
Republicans are now threatening a shutdown of government. This may be the only way that people who voted for these members of congress wake up and realize the mistake they made.
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