Friday, March 13, 2015

We have seen the lowest disrespect to this country and to its institutions by what a bunch of republicans have just done.
Republicans don’t seem to realize that they are setting precedents, one after the other, by insulting this president saying that he is a foreigner, yelling in a session of Congress while this president is addressing them that he lies, inviting a leader of a foreign nation to address Congress without consulting with the executive branch, something that never been done since the founding of the nation, and now sending a letter to the head of a foreign leader, with whom the Executive Branch is trying to sign an agreement to stop the creation of a nuclear weapon, not to respect the person who is signing this agreement.
It is also pathetic to see republican presidential hopefuls such as Bobby Jindal urging presidential hopefuls to sign on to GOP Iran letter. What these republican nutcases seem to have overlooked is the Logan Act that says:
“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”
The branch of the federal government that sets foreign policy is the Executive Branch, not the Legislative nor the Judicial. There is nothing that says here anything about Senators being above the law.
Now some people will say what is the Logan Act?
The Logan Act, enacted January 30, 1799 is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S.
It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position. The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
So we can probably say that these senators are committing treason, as per the Logan Act.
We also know that most republicans not simply disagree but HATE, yes, let me repeat that, HATE this president. They hate the fact that he’s educated, in many instances more than them, that he is smart, that he won with more than 51% back to back elections, but most of all the fact that he is African American. Somebody recently was saying something that has merit: not all republicans are racist, but racists find their home in the GOP.
As far as this letter, it was “supposedly” written by Senator Cotton, a rookie in the senate, who has only been there since the beginning of the year. What about the other 46? Are they as inexperienced as he is, or are they just as irresponsible as Cotton? One thing is for sure, it seems that the young senator loves war, the Iraq and Afghanistan, as much as any other that this country can get itself involved in. The fact that trillions were spent in Iraq, over four thousand Americans died in a conflict of choice, over one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis died, and that the Iranian government is running the Iraqi government, all  thanks to Bush and Cheney does not seem to have taught anything to the neocons. The only thing that counts to them is what right wing nuts that have never been in harm’s way such as Bill Crystal, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity tell them how to think, and that the Military Industrial Complex does not run out of wars, even if it means the bankruptcy of the USA.
I, for one, was always perplexed that people could vote for people like Cotton, but if travelling around the US has shown me something, it has shown me why people vote the way they do, why they chose people like Cotton, like McCain, like George W. Bush, like Louie Gohmert, like Farenthold, like Barton, like Ted Cruz,like  and others, is because these people tell the constituents that the Federal Government wants to take their rights away, their money away, and their voters believe them. Now, once their representatives become "The Government", that government that they had said was so terrible they end up sending their constituents, their friends, their family into war, they allow them to lose their houses, allow corporate America to ship their jobs overseas, they shut down the government, cut benefits of soldiers who come back from a conflict in which their elected officials sent them into, don’t allow them to get healthcare, to have their kids educated, all of it in the name of their constituents. In reality these elected officials only care about their careers, their future, their fame, the top 1%, corporate America, who pay for them to get re-elected so that they can kiss the rings of the, and care about their constituents as much as they care about the last penguin on Antartica.