Sunday, July 2, 2017

The douchebag in the White House

After just a few months of this presidency the US got what it wanted, a douchebag in the White House.
It wanted a tough man, a businessman, a conservative.
It got none of these things.
It got a businessman who has screwed everybody at his path. A liar that has been telling one lie after another, including that he was going to provide healthcare for everyone. It got a bully who incites violence at every opportunity he has, insulting everyone who disagrees with him. He couldn’t care less about conservatism.
There is one thing that he cares about and that is finding a way that he and his family come out ahead in everything.
When Bill Clinton had an extra-marital affair in the White House and lied about it conservatives went ballistic about it impeaching him for it. Where are those conservatives now?
This president has brought the office of the presidency to its lowest level in history, trashing the institution like nobody else has ever done.
Where are those conservatives now?
If Obama would have conducted himself in a small percentage as “trashy” as this president conservatives would have been up in arms.
He is the typical snake-in-the-grass corporate America management, take credit for other people’s success, and never take responsibility for his own failures.
One has to wonder if this is what people voted for, or if they thought that the moment that he stepped into the Oval Office he would behave as a president. This is the way this president has always behaved, so why would he change at 71 years old, and what he seems to believe which seems to be why would I change if people voted me for being a douchebag, a person that insults women, puts people down if they disagree with him, etc.

Hopefully as some point people will wake up and realize that they have been fooled, they made a mistake, and that maybe Hillary Clinton was right when she said that he was not fit to be president.