Wednesday, October 28, 2009


As we read that Joe Lieberman says publicly that he will join republicans in a fillibuster to stop a public option, I stop to think after everything that Lieberman has done to betray the Democratic Party why is he still the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee.
As a democrat myself and as was one of the ones who said that after not only endorsing McCain but also calling Obama a marxist and a muslim, he not only should not have been offered the chairmanship, but he should have been cut loose by the democratic party. I always remember a friend of mine when I was growing up used to say if a dog bites you need to put it down, because he will do it over and over. And the democrats do not seem to learn with him.
The list of things he has done against the party seems to never end: during the time of the democrats in the minority he stopped several fillibusters, (bankruptcy bill in 2005, Bush federal judges in 2005), he voted to confirm Alberto Gonzalez, endorsed McCain’s position on privatization of Social Security, quit the Democratic Party after loosing to the primary in 2006, and ran as an independent, encouraged war with Iran, defended Anti-Semitic Pator John Hagee, voted against waterboarding ban, defends war in Iraq. He is wrong in every single position.
Friends of mine would probably say that Jesus would have been forgiving, and that Obama used that principle.
I say it is time to remove him from any seniority position he may have within the Democratic caucus. His positions are not in line with the Democratic Party, they are more with the republicans, so let him go and knock on their door begging for a position on their side of the aisle. He doesn’t deserve preferential treatment by neither Reid nor Obama in the senate. With friends like him who needs enemies.

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