Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tea Party Nation

As the Tea Party Convention comes to an end we can see what the members of this movement stand for by reading what the crowd cheered for. Comments such as “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country” from former Congressman Tom Tancredo.
He has a reputation that precedes him as a anti-immigrant, ant-minority “person”.
As an immigrant myself these comments worry me because it seems that the United States is going backwards instead of looking into the future. These were the same attitudes that led to segregation.
People seemed to forget that, with the exception of native Americans, we are all immigrants. The difference is how long has your family been here.
While the Chinese are on their way to overtaking the US in being the biggest economy in the world we are still worried about the fact that Obama is not born in this country, that minorities can vote and that everything is solved by cutting taxes. What I mean by everything is simple, I always say if republicans would be doctors they would medicate a cold, cancer, and heart failure with the same medicine: tax cuts.
If the economy is good => tax cuts
If the economy is bad => tax cuts
If we invade a country => tax cuts
If we are attacked => tax cuts
If we need health care => tax cuts
Nobody denies that deficits are not healthy for the economy, for the currency, and for the future of the country, but where were all these people while the previous administration was doubling the national debt in 8 years? For those who don’t know when Bush was sworn the national debt was 5 trillion, by the time he was gone it almost 10 trillion (9.8 trillion).
If the Tea Party movement is represented by people like Tancredo and Sarah Palin I wonder where is this country heading to.

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