Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Matthew chapter 5

The last few times we have been meeting with the person that I am trying to disciple he seems to be stuck in the idea that the New Testament is a story of some events that happened two thousand years ago.
As I was reading Matthew chapter 5, I cannot find anything that Jesus says that could not be applied today.
Regardless of the fact that I am a Christian, I try to step back and read the wisdom of those verses.
I love the beatitudes, I find them moving. They give me comfort, peace, strength and hope. I feel the love of God, his compassion and his reassurance in them.
I also find some of those commandments to be extremely challenging, especially when he tells us to love our enemies, not that there isn’t any truth in it, but it is still challenging.
I love when Jesus talks about settling matters with your adversary. I feel these verses talk to me personally.
And even though, as I said earlier that Jesus challenges us, you can feel God’s love at the end of the day.
He is a patient father teaching what is right for us, just like we try to do with our own kids, strict but fair, giving us the base from which we build the rest of our lives, with a structure, and knowing that God is always with us, until the end of the ages.

1 comment:

  1. Check out Dallas Willard's
    The Divine Conspiracy for a profound exposition of the Beatitudes. Pastor John
