Friday, June 4, 2010

Israel and its power in the region

As we see the tapes and read what seemed to have happened off of the coast of Gaza we need to stop and take a step back before we have a rushed opinion.
It looks like the Israelis attacked a group of ships and boats with Turkish flags. They were in international waters. If that is the case and Israel had no proof that its security was being threatened the international community should be just as harsh on them as they are on the Palestinians when they blow themselves up.
Netanyahu says that it will stop any shipments sent to Gaza in order to avoid Iran arming Hamas. I agree that Israel should be able to defend itself, but there is a difference between defending itself and attacking ships from one of the nations that support Israel such as Turkey.
Israel’s policy sounds very much the same as former president Bush’s policy of attacking first. That is a dangerous policy and instead of gaining the support to its cause, you have the international community saying that what Israel did was not the right thing; instead of being more secure this will guarantee its insecurity.
Conservatives in the United States say that president Obama is not supporting the stability and security of Israel. Not only this is not true, it is just simple politics. We should support Israel when they are right and point out when they do things like they did the other day, or when they invade neighboring countries such as Lebanon. This is not anti-Semitism, it may be anti-Zionism. We should not confuse them.
The United States needs to start taking a position that is good for its citizens and not for the interests of Israel, unless they coincide.

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