We now have a VP candidate for the republican party, Paul
With this choice Romney has told us several things, he is not popular with any group of the country, with the exception of the republican establishment, he is distrusted by the right wing of the party, so for these two reasons he was pressured to choose Paul Ryan, the brain behind the budget that Romney endorsed and called marvelous. Romney is also telling us that he is betting on the white males that form the base of the party, writing off seniors, minorities in their entirety, young college students dependent of government financed loans, the poor, and middle class that need some kind of assistance.
This is a gamble, as the white males of the party are a group in extinction. The Tea baggers will love the choice, although Ryan is an insider as he has not held an address in his district since before his college days. He has been in DC since his early twenties working for Jack Kemp, and then as a representative for Wisconsin. Neo-cons will also be thrilled as they believe in the dismantling of the safety net, the transferring of wealth from the middle class, or should I say from the 99% to the top 1%, through taxation, and increase in spending in the military industrial complex.
Now let us look at Ryan’s record: The House has only passed two laws proposed by him, although he has been there since 1999. He was collaborator in the George W Bush tax cuts of the 2000s, that gave trillions of dollars away to the wealthy, he was a supporter of the privatization of Social Security in 2005, thus giving Wall St control over the future of seniors. The pressure of seniors forced the Bush White House to roll back its plans. He is the brains behind the dismantling of Medicare and the defunding of Medicaid. His idea of saving of Medicaid is put seniors into a voucher system, and force them to get covered by the insurance company who decides to accept them. This would put seniors through a tremendous stress both financial and emotional, creating unnecessary anxiety with a group of the population that does not have the energy to go through that. It will force seniors to pay another $6,000 more out of pocket a year than what they are paying now. This is throwing seniors under the bus.
With the poor the defunding of Medicaid and the roll back of food stamps, will put them into worse shape than what they are.
The middle class will see the elimination of deductions such as mortgage interests deductions, property taxes deductions, and charity deductions being eliminated costing the average middle class $2,000 a year in higher taxes.
Both Romney and Ryan believe in reinstating banks as the providers of student loans, with no benefit to students, and the middle class, as these loans are guaranteed by the Federal Government, and the banks, until 2009 were only the handlers charging people extra for that. President Obama took the banks out of the business and the republican team wants to pay back their banking friends by re-instating that process.
All this pain is not for a good cause, it is only to allow the top 1% to pay lower taxes, from 35 to 25%, and those paying taxes on dividends, zero. They would also increase the budget of the Department of Defense, with Romney saying that he would double it, to 2 trillion a year.
The Congressional Budget Office and independent economists said that all these measures would cost the Treasury 5 trillion in 10 years, thus pushing the national debt to 20 trillion. By then the cost of servicing the national debt would be the highest number in the budget, only surpassed by the Pentagon.
I have spoken to friends of mine who believe that they will be hardly any differences between the next four years with Obama and Romney in the White House. I completely disagree. To prove this we just have to look at what the republicans in the House have been like. They have done nothing in 19 months that would have created jobs, with 23 million unemployed in the US, they have voted to cut women’s benefits, they have voted to pass new anti-abortion laws, they have voted 33 times to repeal the Affordable Health care Act, nicknamed Obamacare by republicans, that will be just the beginning of a reforming of the health care system in the country, with a lot more to go, until everybody is covered, regardless of age, race, and income level. They were also the cause of the downgrading of the country’s credit rating. All the votes the republicans had in the House went nowhere because the Senate didn’t even consider them. The Senate on the other hand has been nothing but obstructionist, setting record after record for filibusters.
If the people who have lost their jobs because of outsourcers like Romney during his days in Baine, and even as governor of Massachusetts, and because of job shippers to countries such as China and India such as Baine again, people who have been paying more and getting less, people who are having greater difficulties to vote because of laws passed by states where governorships, and both Assemblies and Senates are in republican hands with the excuse, or should I call the lie, of voter fraud, the seniors whose benefits will be cut, vote for the Romney/Ryan team, and for republicans for the House and Senate, I have a message, you ain’t seen nothing yet. My recommendation to them, starting digging the grave that the republican party will throw you in.
With this choice Romney has told us several things, he is not popular with any group of the country, with the exception of the republican establishment, he is distrusted by the right wing of the party, so for these two reasons he was pressured to choose Paul Ryan, the brain behind the budget that Romney endorsed and called marvelous. Romney is also telling us that he is betting on the white males that form the base of the party, writing off seniors, minorities in their entirety, young college students dependent of government financed loans, the poor, and middle class that need some kind of assistance.
This is a gamble, as the white males of the party are a group in extinction. The Tea baggers will love the choice, although Ryan is an insider as he has not held an address in his district since before his college days. He has been in DC since his early twenties working for Jack Kemp, and then as a representative for Wisconsin. Neo-cons will also be thrilled as they believe in the dismantling of the safety net, the transferring of wealth from the middle class, or should I say from the 99% to the top 1%, through taxation, and increase in spending in the military industrial complex.
Now let us look at Ryan’s record: The House has only passed two laws proposed by him, although he has been there since 1999. He was collaborator in the George W Bush tax cuts of the 2000s, that gave trillions of dollars away to the wealthy, he was a supporter of the privatization of Social Security in 2005, thus giving Wall St control over the future of seniors. The pressure of seniors forced the Bush White House to roll back its plans. He is the brains behind the dismantling of Medicare and the defunding of Medicaid. His idea of saving of Medicaid is put seniors into a voucher system, and force them to get covered by the insurance company who decides to accept them. This would put seniors through a tremendous stress both financial and emotional, creating unnecessary anxiety with a group of the population that does not have the energy to go through that. It will force seniors to pay another $6,000 more out of pocket a year than what they are paying now. This is throwing seniors under the bus.
With the poor the defunding of Medicaid and the roll back of food stamps, will put them into worse shape than what they are.
The middle class will see the elimination of deductions such as mortgage interests deductions, property taxes deductions, and charity deductions being eliminated costing the average middle class $2,000 a year in higher taxes.
Both Romney and Ryan believe in reinstating banks as the providers of student loans, with no benefit to students, and the middle class, as these loans are guaranteed by the Federal Government, and the banks, until 2009 were only the handlers charging people extra for that. President Obama took the banks out of the business and the republican team wants to pay back their banking friends by re-instating that process.
All this pain is not for a good cause, it is only to allow the top 1% to pay lower taxes, from 35 to 25%, and those paying taxes on dividends, zero. They would also increase the budget of the Department of Defense, with Romney saying that he would double it, to 2 trillion a year.
The Congressional Budget Office and independent economists said that all these measures would cost the Treasury 5 trillion in 10 years, thus pushing the national debt to 20 trillion. By then the cost of servicing the national debt would be the highest number in the budget, only surpassed by the Pentagon.
I have spoken to friends of mine who believe that they will be hardly any differences between the next four years with Obama and Romney in the White House. I completely disagree. To prove this we just have to look at what the republicans in the House have been like. They have done nothing in 19 months that would have created jobs, with 23 million unemployed in the US, they have voted to cut women’s benefits, they have voted to pass new anti-abortion laws, they have voted 33 times to repeal the Affordable Health care Act, nicknamed Obamacare by republicans, that will be just the beginning of a reforming of the health care system in the country, with a lot more to go, until everybody is covered, regardless of age, race, and income level. They were also the cause of the downgrading of the country’s credit rating. All the votes the republicans had in the House went nowhere because the Senate didn’t even consider them. The Senate on the other hand has been nothing but obstructionist, setting record after record for filibusters.
If the people who have lost their jobs because of outsourcers like Romney during his days in Baine, and even as governor of Massachusetts, and because of job shippers to countries such as China and India such as Baine again, people who have been paying more and getting less, people who are having greater difficulties to vote because of laws passed by states where governorships, and both Assemblies and Senates are in republican hands with the excuse, or should I call the lie, of voter fraud, the seniors whose benefits will be cut, vote for the Romney/Ryan team, and for republicans for the House and Senate, I have a message, you ain’t seen nothing yet. My recommendation to them, starting digging the grave that the republican party will throw you in.
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