Thursday, January 24, 2013

Virginia bill to override the voice of the majority

Reps have been famous for gerrymandering, for suppressing votes, and now they came up with a new scheme. McDonnell is on his way out. Republicans will lose the governorship, especially with all the extreme laws that they have passed during the present governor's term. They are so desperate that even money doesn't buy elections, that passing unconstitutional voter id laws doesn't do the trick, they have limited the voting hours in areas that vote democrat, the only thing they have not done is close yours voting areas completely, and it would be no surprise if that is their next move. They are still in disbelief that with all the money they threw the public voted against them. The poison that they carry is coming out of their pores, and then they turn around and talk about Christianity. There is no doubt that their followers buy into this stuff, either because they follow Fox, or listen to Rush, and they are not told the whole facts, they are just filtered the news so that they carry more hatred, become more resentful, or simply they like to stay in their bubble. From 1945, and primarily after the building of the Berlin Wall the Soviet Union state networks used to sell its citizens that the US was evil, and they fine-tuned the news to serve a greater purpose. Fox, Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly do exactly the same with the right.
As far as Virginia is concerned it may be part of the South but it has become a purple state, and primarily the areas surrounding Washington DC vote democratic these days. But republicans cannot accept defeat and will do whatever it takes to regain, and keep power, even if that means not allowing the voice of the people to count. Republicans want the minority to govern the majority. It is a state level what the country deals with electoral college at a Federal level.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The effect of the dismantling of unions

We have seen the assault of the top 1% on the middle class for the past 30 years starting with Ronald Reagan, the champion of union busting when he fired all the PATCO workers. ALEC with all its troglodytes, people like the Koch Bros, Adelson, Karl Rove and his supporters hiding behind a mask that covers their crime, the Supreme Court and their many decisions to hurt workers, have been on a crusade to dismantle the middle class, and take the goods that belonged to the middle class. With a system that encourages the purchase of our elections, we have denigrated the country. In this denigration the top 1% comes out victorious. But if we look at the standing of the country we see it reversing. The right wants to make education for the privileged, it is like during the dark ages when only the clergy and the royal families had access to reading and writing, and the masses were illiterate. It is easier to manipulate the masses when they are less informed. Fox is one of these venues that keeps people ill informed, out of the circle of facts, misleading them with fantasies, scaring its audience by telling them that the big black wolf wants to take their houses and rights away. The same can be said about Rush, Hannity, Weiner, and some other out there. The past 30 years has set the country back, and the world pushes forward. One day we will be like China when they looked over the wall and realized that they had fallen behind. In the 70s we were the creditors of the world, but thanks to Ronald Reagan we became since 1985 the debtors of the world. We hardly make anything in the US, we speculate and gamble on money, but the ones eating from that plate is smaller and smaller each day. Speculating on money does not grow an economy, it does not create jobs, it dismantles jobs. If the Chinese would have planned the downfall of the US they could not have come up with a greater plan than the one self-inflicted by the top 1%. We have seen a stagnation of salaries of the middle class while the top 1% has seen its income go from 50 times to 500 times the average middle class income. To make matters worse the top 1% keeps on taking and taking.
Unless the middle class and the poor take action we will see the middle class impoverished, therefore the country will impoverish. If we do not have a robust middle class we cannot move forward as a nation. Unions form part of this package, and it has been thanks to the unions that we have paid vacation time, 8 hour work days. If the 1% would have their way we would have only the money in the hands of the 1% and the rest of us as slaves.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Era of liberalism is back

The minority on the right, the defenders of the 1% see the possible threat to their lavish 1920s lifestyle threatened. Since 1981 they have ransacked the country’s finances, impoverished the 99% at their expense, outsourced the middle classes jobs for their own benefit, stuck the middle class and the poor with the bill for their luxurious “Great Gabsy” style partying, with bogus wars, destruction of the world’s climate polluting the soil, the water, the air, and the brains of the weak minded who listen to the right radio talk shows and Fox, and now, that the president made some references about all of us in the same boat together, that the right denies climate change they are freaking out. The fact that the president was voted by more people than Romney, that the Senate picked up two more seats, and that the House was only kept in the hands because of gerrymandering of republicans in State Houses, even though democrats received a lot more votes than republicans did, is proof that the GOP is becoming more and more isolated, by the American people and by an ideology that has become obsolete, that is stuck in an era that has passed us, and time does not go back, the GOP is stuck in the industrial era and the world is already moving forward past the era of computers into tablets and smartphones.
The USA witnessed from 1981 until 2008 the reduction in the size of the middle class, the increase of the poor, and the biggest transfers of wealth from the middle class and the poor in history. We also witnessed the erosion of rights by the government, starting with George W Bush and the Patriot Act, the wiretapping of phone calls, the intrusion in having full access to emails, tweets, and all personal information, supposedly for security reasons.
The GOP has been in the business of voter suppression for many years, but we saw nothing like what we saw in 2012. And to prove that this issue has not gone away we can see the GOP redistricting the state of Virginia to try to benefit themselves, and in the state of Pennsylvania where they want to change the electoral college and base it on the amount of districts won by one candidates instead of the total amount of votes, thus defeating the will of the people. The latest reminds us how the Soviet Union used to operate, or even Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Kaddafi in Libya decided elections.
The GOP has proven over and over for almost half a century since the civil rights act that the way of winning elections was by not allowing groups of people to decide who their representatives would be.
When the GOP is concerned that the era of liberalism is back the rest of the country should then feel at ease. When liberals were having their way the country enjoyed the largest middle class in the history of humankind, the civil rights act was being passed and the country had a better standard of living as the country was the leader of the world, not just in military spending but in every respect, a place that is now part of history and not of the present that we live in.