Thursday, January 24, 2013

Virginia bill to override the voice of the majority

Reps have been famous for gerrymandering, for suppressing votes, and now they came up with a new scheme. McDonnell is on his way out. Republicans will lose the governorship, especially with all the extreme laws that they have passed during the present governor's term. They are so desperate that even money doesn't buy elections, that passing unconstitutional voter id laws doesn't do the trick, they have limited the voting hours in areas that vote democrat, the only thing they have not done is close yours voting areas completely, and it would be no surprise if that is their next move. They are still in disbelief that with all the money they threw the public voted against them. The poison that they carry is coming out of their pores, and then they turn around and talk about Christianity. There is no doubt that their followers buy into this stuff, either because they follow Fox, or listen to Rush, and they are not told the whole facts, they are just filtered the news so that they carry more hatred, become more resentful, or simply they like to stay in their bubble. From 1945, and primarily after the building of the Berlin Wall the Soviet Union state networks used to sell its citizens that the US was evil, and they fine-tuned the news to serve a greater purpose. Fox, Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly do exactly the same with the right.
As far as Virginia is concerned it may be part of the South but it has become a purple state, and primarily the areas surrounding Washington DC vote democratic these days. But republicans cannot accept defeat and will do whatever it takes to regain, and keep power, even if that means not allowing the voice of the people to count. Republicans want the minority to govern the majority. It is a state level what the country deals with electoral college at a Federal level.

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