Monday, April 19, 2010

Why Tea Partiers are fighting back

I look at the recent Tea Party demonstrations, to the speeches of both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, with inflammatory rhetoric and I try to think what is the purpose of all this, who is feeding all this and who are the people attending these demonstrations.
If people look at what they have submitted to the federal government in income tax, they can see that 95% of the population has seen a reduction of their taxes, unless you are making $250,000 or more.
We also look at the recent poll of tea party demonstrators and it shows us that they are satisfied with medicare and with social security, they feel that what they paid this year in taxes is fair, they don’t feel that Sarah Palin is qualified to be president, they are college educated people, who would vote republican if they had the chance, they view Obama as a socialist. This is what I find the most amusing of all. I don’t think they know what socialism really is.
Nine out of ten are white.
This, more than anything else is where the issue is in my honest opinion.
What, I think, it really comes down to is that they feel that minorities are getting a better deal under this administration.
This, again, is ironic, because in many places 50% of young African Americans are unemployed or under employed, and the same can be said about Hispanics.
But the biggest issue that Tea Partiers feel, some of whom have gone to wars for this country , is that it is changing. That in many states minorities have a bigger say in the outcome of elections.
Hispanics helped Obama win the last presidential election in several states, not just the usual ones such as in Florida, California, New York, but also in states such as Nevada and Colorado.
I have had friends of mine tell me that one of the reasons they were not happy with the Health Care reform was because now, when they wanted to go to the doctor, they would have to wait longer.
I find that not only discriminatory but also offensive.
This country has had a history of embracing people from different countries and backgrounds, but it seems because the physiognomy of the country is changing, in other words white people are feeling that in a generation they will be a minority they are trying to fight back. Unfortunately the methods by which they are doing this, such as spitting at Representative Lewis, a figure of the civil rights, insulting or threatening other members of Congress, calling Gangster this administration, carrying guns to demonstrations will only insight violence. They remind of people in the Middle East fighting back against the West.
My savior said many years ago that “Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword”.

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