Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Resuslts of the election of 2010

As we witnessed last Tuesday November 2nd the biggest takeover by corporations through the Chamber the commerce with the with funds from foreign and national large corporations where Democrats were outspent 7 to 1 in many races we should stop and reflect why didn’t the Democrats loose the Senate as they lost the House of Representatives, and the main answer is because people are not convinced with the Republican Party either. If we just look at the candidates that the Republican Party had chosen to run for the Senate we can see that they had no qualifications, they were radicals and racists. There was one exception to that is that the candidate for the House of Representatives for Ohio who even dressed as a Nazi. I give him credit; at least he wore the uniform with whom he felt identified with.
Let us look at some of the Candidates for Senate, particularly Tea Party candidates, such as Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Ken Buck and Joe Miller. Three of them lost to Democrat candidates including 2 incumbents. We can leave out another unqualified Tea Party favorite Carl Paladino, candidate for Governor of New York state.
We cannot kid ourselves that this is a “grass roots” movement when people like the Koch brothers spent millions funding this supposed cause and gave to Republican candidates to defeat Obama, and we can never forget Karl Rove, whose support comes down to 3 billionaires.
Ron Johnson who defeated Russ Feingold for the Senate seat for Wisconsin outspent his rival 7 to 1. With unprecedented amounts of money being spent in this election, most of it for republicans, we have to thank this radical Supreme Court and its decision to allow unlimited amounts of money from unknown sources to fund campaigns.
We also have to face the facts, Fox News campaigns, raises money, endorses and contributes money to Republican Candidates, something that no other network does or allows of its employees. The amazing thing is they the management of Fox says that their employees such as Sean Hannity and Glen Beck disclose on TV that they contribute financially to the same candidates that they interview, that is absolutely a joke, they never do. Keith Olbermann contributed $2,400.00 to 3 candidates, and was suspended indefinitely. So let’s not kid ourselves that Fox News is fair and balanced. They are not. They are just simply a spokesman of the Republican Party. They should be ashamed of themselves for misleading the public.
In terms of the results of the election, the Republican Party picked up 60 seats, the biggest gain in over 60 years. But if they think that the gains were the result of people liking them better, unless we see substantial improvement in the market place in two years they will be voted out as well. People wanted to punish Obama and the Democrats for a chaos that they inherited with unfunded wars, the TARP fund proposed and passed during the Bush Administration, the meltdown of the financial system during the Bush Administration, the collapse of Chrysler and GM in the first month of the Obama Administration. The proposals of the Pledge to America don’t add up. How can you cut $100 billion from the budget and propose to extend the Bush tax cuts to the top 2 percent of income earners when that alone will create a hole of $740 billion. I guess they use a different math. The reason Democrats got voted out of office is because the economy has made very slow progress, not enough to absorb the big unemployment and thus the low turnout of democratic voters. Although exit polls showed that the government was doing too much to these folks it did not do enough.

1 comment:

  1. Your observation that the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the "free speech" of corporations had a significant impact on the election is surely true. Personally, I have great difficulty with accepting the dogma that corporations are to be considered as "persons," with all the rights and privileges that individuals have. Waldron Scott
