Thursday, March 10, 2011

We, the corporations

I am always amazed at conservatives who talk about the constitution and the declaration of independence.
They talk about the fact that if the forefathers would have wanted health care to be a right and not a luxury, like they believe it is, they would have said: life, liberty, healthcare and the pursuit of happiness.
But I don’t see anywhere in the declaration of independence that corporations should be deciding elections, and that they should have a voice.
With the new legislation passed in states such as Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan we are simply going back to times of slavery, with corporations deciding what we should eat, where we should work, was in environmentally safe, and next thing will be if we have the right to assemble.
Conservatives believe that we are better off if the board of a company decides if we should receive healthcare.
They will also decide if we should vote, if our vote counts, because they don’t want anybody rocking the system, and challenge their authority. They already have the right to destroy communities, by sending jobs overseas, as long as the boards of those companies can pay themselves bonuses by impoverishing cities, to pollute the environment, to lower the standard of living for the middle class and the poor in this country.
And all this is so that the top 10% of the top 1% maintain everything they have, and accrue more, if possible.
The theory that if we cut taxes for them they will share a little bit of their wealth with us by investing and creating jobs, has been totally debunked. The proof is that tax cut create nothing, except transferring wealth from the middle class and the poor to the wealthy, or in other words, from the have-nots to the haves. During the first eight years of this millennium we ended up losing jobs in this country, salaries going down, and Wall Street provoking one of the biggest collapses in history, if the not the greatest, again making the rest of us pay for all their eccentricities.
Only in America. When I talk to friends that I have around the world they cannot believe this. And still conservatives want to make us believe that the wealthy are paying too much. If that would be the case they would have moved somewhere else.

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