Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What the election of 2010 has given us

The United States of America is starting to live a very “interesting” period. I wrote recently how the middle class is under attack and it is facing the possible destruction by the top 1% of Americans who earn more than the bottom 50%.
Several governors that ran the last election did it as fiscal conservatives taking advantage of a mid-term period with high unemployment, and with unhappiness towards democrats, as if they had created the Wall Street collapse of 2008.
Their campaigns were all about the budgets and how to balance them, of course without specifics, helped by a very low turnout.
Now that they are in office they are coming out of the closet. It is no longer about the budgets and the deficits, and more about giveaways to the people who paid for those campaigns.
In states such as Wisconsin where they have majorities in both chambers, but not enough votes to shove down the throat of its citizens without some kind of compromise they will have to negotiate, or face the unhappiness of its citizens, with some members of the senate possibly being recalled.
Governor Walker of Wisconsin said that the only way of balancing the budget was stripping the right of collective bargaining of state employees. That includes firefighters, police, teachers and other workers.
What he didn’t tell the public is that he created the deficit by giving away $160 million to corporations the moment he walked into the governor’s office.
In other states such as in Ohio where governor John Kasich has done away with collective bargaining for state employees. He is also cutting education and middle class programs to give tax giveaways to the wealthy.
In Florida Governor Rick Scott is cutting funds for public education by 1.75 billion dollars, not to balance the balance his budget but to give 1.60 billion to corporations.
But we have to put the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, as the person who hit it out of the ball park.
His argument is that because the state is facing a deficit he will not only cut funds for education and other programs that help the poor and middle class, he is cutting assistance to communities all across the state, but this is the best, he will also decide what towns, who are in the red will survive. What I mean by survive is he will put a member, chosen by him, to replace the mayor, school board, will merge school boards, etc. This is truly amazing. Republican always talk about everything being local, but this sounds more like a tyranny than a democracy. This is more of a similarity with either Hitler or King Henry VIII.
I wonder if this is what the citizens of Michigan bargained for at the last election.
One common theme in all these governors, and I cannot forget my governor, Mr. Christie, is the increase of subsidized private education at the expense of public education.
I always say that education is an investment in our future. Republicans agree with that as long as it is in their own kids, and of those who help finance their campaigns, not the rest of the population. An educated population is harder to mislead, so the less educated the better.
Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff of Obama, and present mayor of Chicago said in 2009 that you should not allow a crisis go to waste. He was criticized by all the right wing pundits. What a bunch of hypocrites. They are the masters of that. We don’t have to go too far back, after 2001 the previous administration used all kinds of lies and excuses to invade a country that had not been involved in the attack of September 11th. Republicans use fear mongering at every single opportunity, scaring senior with the health care reform, saying that Obama raised people’s taxes, that Obama wants to take the 2nd their guns away, and so on and so forth.
Hopefully at the next election the people of Ohio will wake up and see how their interests and those of the corporations are completely opposed.
Unfortunately by then the damage will have been done, like it was for the first 8 years of the previous decade with the Bush Administration, involving the whole country in wars we did not need, with nothing but lies, and paid pundits to scare this country’s population.

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