Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Governor Christie and the tunnel under the Hudson River

The Government Accountability Office, also known as GAO, has come out with a report that shows that Governor Chris Christie from NJ had overstated the cost to the citizens of his state of the building of another tunnel that would join New York and New Jersey.
Governor Christie is one of the prima donnas of the Republican Party. Conservatives love him because they say he is a straight shooter, that he “tells it as it is”. Is that right?
The study that the GAO is providing now disproves that theory. Governor Christie, in fact behaves in most cases as a bully, putting anybody down who may disagree with him, even name calling including when it came down to an Iraq vet.
Governor Christie is another example of what is wrong with the Republican Party. Everything that can move this great country into the future, such as education, infrastructure, modernization, including investment in mass transportation, the republicans say that it is something that the country cannot afford. The thing we can afford, as far as they are concerned , is tax cuts for the wealthy, and a bloated Department of Defense. For that there seems to be limitless amounts of money.
We can say that we are bleeding money. Nobody can dispute this. But are we bleeding money because we are spending too much, and/or because we have are not getting enough taxes from people, and we are paying too much in unemployment benefits? I’m a believer in unemployment benefits, but it would be smarter to get something back for the money, and infrastructure would be a good place to start. Pay people to work in the improvement of the nation.
Now we can also wonder if it's because there is a Democrat president in the White House that we are not investing, or like Republicans would call it, spending money. If that is the case then it is all political, and we can say that they are not looking out for the future of the country.
Either way everything would indicate that this party is stuck in the past. They think that if the country has built a bridge you don't have to maintain it or modernize it. That is how we are falling in the world competitiveness. The rest of the world invests in bullet trains, modern infrastructure. All these projects are either being funded or built by governments across the world, but here we believe that unless the private sector does not it is not worth doing it. When was the last time that the private sector flew to the moon, built the Hoover Dam, built the highway system.
If the Republicans from the past, such as President Eisenhower, and others, would have waited for the private sector to get involved in these mega projects, we would have never have a railroad that joint both coasts, and we would still be fighting native Americans.
As far as Christie he has been a disaster for New Jersey in every single aspect, starting by being dishonest and untruthful, settings us back in everything thing we can think of.

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